Mugzy was "the Kitty Different" (a play on Santa Fe, New Mexico's motto "the City Different").
Born in the mountains surrounding coastal Turkey, he exhibited unusual gifts of dexterity and daring-do-ness at a very young age. Later on, after we moved from the mountains to the sea, he wowed the local community and us by navigating his way through villages, across a major highway, up a long, steep, winding mountain road and back to his old garden--four times! No compass, no car, no water bottle. An incredible feat for anyone, let alone a small, domestic cat. He really missed his old home.
After we left the area and could not bring him with us, he survived on his own for four years. Finally we had the chance to go back, and searched until we found Mugzy again. Brought him to the States, and he had another couple of good years, exploring his new environs and getting into mischief.
He will always remain an unforgettable character and companion in our lives, and a reminder of how truly amazing our pet friends are.