Alma Bee
Dear Bee, I am so happy we got to spend the rest of your life together (120 days beautiful days). I know you had a tough time adjusting because you were sick. You had a lot of things stacked against you. I think you used to live outside and didn’t know when your next meal would come. I’m not sure what kind of a life you had before us and before you were rescued. I’m sorry you were always so restless, but when you did finally relax some, it was so sweet. I love how happy you got for our walks each day, food, treat plates we made, puppiatos that Daddy made you, and people food we shared with you. You gained 2 lbs with us and you needed that bad!
We love you, Bee Bee! We loved to see you happy. We loved the zoomies you did in the hall upstairs. We loved how you got excited for our trips together and we’re so thankful we got to take 4 trips together. We loved seeing you wag your tail a lot for us most mornings. We loved feeding you chicken at date night. We loved your squishy head and kind eyes. We loved your judging stare and loving stare. We loved your sweet pink speckled velvet snout.
We’re sorry you were in such respiratory distress at the end, but we were there for you as we promised we’d be.
Thank you for helping me with the loss of Nilla and Everly (our first senior dog).
Thank you for all the things you did that reminded me of Nilla, pure gold. I think I got a piece of her back in you and that’s more than anyone could ask for.
We will love and miss you forever.
Run free Bee!
I know you’ll give Nilla & Everly a kiss for us.
Bumble bee, honey bee
Alma Bee, honey bee
Alma Bee, llama bee
Llama bee
Bumble bee tuna
A little piggy cow zebra doggy
Bee bee