Dear Everly, We packed so much love, life, and fun into our 57 days together! I am so thankful that you were rescued and we were the lucky ones to give you a home and get to love you. You were a gift and you gave us so much love in return. The way you were so loving with us on day 1, was the best surprise. I’m so sorry you were so sick and we couldn’t save you despite all the things we tried. You helped me more than you’ll ever know. You made me smile again each day. Your happy dances for us and food still play in my mind. I wish I could take all the dogs just like you and give them the best rest of their lives. You would stop strangers in their tracks because they wanted to meet you or just look at you. How were you so cute?! You were like a little cartoon character doggy jumping out of an animation. I wondered if you were even real sometimes and I still think about the first time you say in my lap and the first kiss you gave me. All we did was give you shelter, food, and love. So simple really. What you gave to me, I can’t even fully put into words. Thank you, Ev! May you always be my happy little light.
We will always remember you, we will love you forever, and we will miss you forever!
Evy!!! We love you forever!