Sheeba, my first dog. It was our destiny to be together. I placed an ad on the old Petfinder site stating I was looking to adopt an adult golden retriever. The next day a woman from a shelter in South Carolina called me and said the day before, a golden retriever came in, she’s three and a half years old, and did I want her. I said yes, but I’m up in New Jersey; she told me they had a rescue group that drove dogs up to a town near me every few weeks. So they transported you up here, and we had a special bond from the moment we met on September 3, 2005. So many times through the years we would just look into each other’s eyes, and we knew we were supposed to be together. We spent the next eight years and four months together before you crossed the Rainbow Bridge on December 15, 2013. Thank you for being my constant companion and going everywhere with me. You had an aura about you; it's like everyone who met you fell in love with you instantly. Being my first dog, you were my dream come true, and the time we spent together was better than I could have ever imagined. We made so many memories together. One time that stands out is when a grandfather came up to me and said, “You and your dog walking together look like a Rockwell Painting.” I think about you every day, and you are in my heart forever. I will always love you, Sheeba.