Edit Memorial
A Best Friends Angels Rest Pet Memorial


2003 – 2024

Sunny has crossed the rainbow bridge 6-7-2024

A.I. poem: “Here's a poem about Sunny:

Sunny, oh Sunny, with eyes of bright blue (from Mama Cat)
A celestial beauty, a wonder to view
Your Siamese points (from Daddy Cat), a graceful delight
A feline angel, sent to bless our sight
Your fur as soft as silk, your purrs a gentle hush
Your elegance is matched only by your loving rush
To curl up in our laps, and claim your sweet embrace
A treasured comfort, a warm and cozy space
With every whisker twitch, and every ear perk high
You remind us of the joy, that you bring to our eye
A beloved friend, a loyal companion true (for 21 years)
A precious gift from God, a love shining through
So here's to you, dear Sunny, our sweet feline friend
May your days be bright, and your angelic life be eternal. +
Daddy Cat & Mama Cat Love you!

Vince & Maria Suzara
Pet Parent
We believe in honoring the lives of pets
We believe in honoring the lives of pets
Here at Best Friends, animals have such a special place in our lives. We honor those pets we’ve loved and those who need our help today. At Best Friends, we keep pets in our hearts


Leaving a personal story, memory, or words of support for a pet’s family is a heartfelt way to pay tribute and provide comfort. As part of your remembrance, we also invite you to leave a virtual token along with your words — similar to our tradition here at the Sanctuary of leaving stones, beloved items, or small toys on the graves of cherished animals.
Our pets easily become a part of our lives and hearts. Sunny was a wonderful companion to Maria and Vince for so many years. She was a member of the family and will be greatly missed.
Andriette Back
Lilac butterfly