Edit Memorial
A Best Friends Angels Rest Pet Memorial


2010 – 2023

Sophie was a sweet girl. My best friend for so many years. When I lost my husband 2 years ago, she was the bright star in my life and gave me love and hope. She had that sparkle in her eyes and then when the sparkle left I knew it was her time to cross the Rainbow Bridge. It's been a year now and I think about her every day. Remembering the good times is a blessing. I will always love you, sweet Sophie.

Andriette Back
Pet Parent
We believe in honoring the lives of pets
We believe in honoring the lives of pets
Here at Best Friends, animals have such a special place in our lives. We honor those pets we’ve loved and those who need our help today. At Best Friends, we keep pets in our hearts


Leaving a personal story, memory, or words of support for a pet’s family is a heartfelt way to pay tribute and provide comfort. As part of your remembrance, we also invite you to leave a virtual token along with your words — similar to our tradition here at the Sanctuary of leaving stones, beloved items, or small toys on the graves of cherished animals.
Our pets easily become a part of our lives and hearts. Sunny was a wonderful and devoted companion to Maria and Vince for so many years. She will be missed and remembered in our hearts forever.
Andriette Back
Lilac butterfly
Dear Sweet Sister Sophie, You were so gentle and loving! We miss you and think of you always. Such a true friend. Thank you for being in our lives! May your memory be eternal! We Love you!
Maria and Vince Suzara
love heart